LinkedIn Marketing Mastery Ebook
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Revealed: Step-By-Step Strategy For Generating As Much FREE TRAFFIC As You Want Using LinkedIn…
Inside This Step-By-Step Guide, You’ll Discover…
- I'm going to teach you all the key things you need to know to ensure that you maximize your results with LinkedIn with the least amount of work possible.
- I'm also going to teach the difference between a contact, and what I would consider a "meaningful contact".
- You'll learn how to get REAL, meaningful connections, and how to tell the difference between the two. This tip is worth far more than the price of the book itself.
Still not convinced in the power of LinkedIn?
Here are some pretty interesting facts about this heavy-hitting professional social network:
- 1 out of every 3 professionals in the WORLD is on LinkedIn. That's an absolutely INSANE number. Your outreach then is HUGE... and the numbers keep growing at a rapid pace.
- LinkedIn is the LARGEST professional social network in the world. No other professional-based social network even comes close to scratching the numbers that they have. Do you know who the SECOND largest professional social network is? ... Neither do I.
- As of the year 2015, LinkedIn has a whopping 364 MILLION members worldwide... that's nearly the population of the ENTIRE United States. Do you think there may be a few good customers and clients for YOUR business in that group? It's a safe bet that there are quite a few.
- LinkedIn's growing at an absolutely absurd rate. Roughly one year ago, LinkedIn only had 296 million members... meaning that they gained around 68 million of their 364 million in JUST ONE YEAR. Who knows where it could be a decade from now... it could certainly even grow to be larger than Facebook one day.
- LinkedIn is one of the OLDEST social networks in the world as well... having been established all the way back in 2002. Social Networking was hardly even a "thing" back then, and Social Media Marketing didn't even really exist yet. Talk about seniority. This makes LinkedIn about 2 years older than even Facebook.
- LinkedIn has members in over 200 countries around the world... that's nearly all of them. So, if you have an international clients, this is a great place to connect with them and build up relationships, as well as acquire new clients and customers from around the world.
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